A Time to Reflect
By Sreelatha Kumar ('85 Batch)25 years is a long time – could well be one third of one’s life. 2010 was a really blessed year. It was a great boon from above when our Facebook school contacts grew and grew this year- finally to culminate in tracing nearly the whole of our school batch, except for six more… and having our silver jubilee meeting in a most memorable way on July 24, 2010. This was when we had hardly seen any of our classmates for decades!!! Little did we know that ours was the 100th batch to pass out of Mount Carmel’s hallowed halls - our twenty fifth year of passing out coincided with the school’s 125th year of existence, and it was so very strangely celebrated in the same month at school- on July 15.
After passing out of Mount Carmel in 1985, I had barely any contact with anyone, except for a few close friends. One moved on with college, work, marriage- time spent in Kollam was never more than two months at a stretch. No mobiles, no internet, no contacts- how one earth does one really keep in touch with snail mail? Schooldays had become a distant memory- really fuzzy around the edges, you can say like a tapestry with huge holes in between! But yet a few sharp images seem to be recorded in my brain. Memories are like moths trapped within an old chest- once the lid is pried open, they fly out in a veritable flurry. You may not remember everything in sequence, or the so called momentous happenings… but you are left with a few snapshots that have stuck in your mind somewhere. You can watch me on the 'MCC Reunion - What are we up to these days' Video Link.